Europees onderzoek naar niet-formeel en informeel leren in bibliotheken

De Europese bibliotheekvereniging Eblida voert een onderzoek uit naar niet-formeel en informeel leren in openbare bibliotheken. Het gaat om een thema dat momenteel hoog op de Europese agenda staat in de Europese strategie Onderwijs en opleiding 2020.

De enquête is opgesteld in het Engels.Link en toelichting:

EBLIDA and the Latvian Library Association are conducting a survey on non-formal and informal learning activities in public libraries across Europe accessible at:

To make this survey a success, we need your help!

This survey is open for response to all public libraries and each individual answer matters so please, fill out the survey and distribute it to your colleagues for them to fill out. The more the better representation.


Deadline: the survey will be open to complete until 17 June.


Please read our FAQ below

What is the survey about?

There are 65,000 public libraries in the EU. Many of them offer non-formal and informal learning services and tend to have developed expertise in these matters, though the topic has not yet been studied in depth. As part of the Library Advocacy for EU Project, together with the Latvian Library Association (LLA), we (EBLIDA) are now surveying public libraries to collect data on non-formal and informal learning activities in libraries. We will use the results when advocating on the role of public libraries in non-formal education and the contribution of libraries to the EU Education and Training Strategy 2020.


How is the survey presented?

The survey is divided into 4 parts:

·         Part A focusses on non-formal learning activities through a list of 12 questions;

·         Part B focusses on informal learning activities through a list of 7 questions;

·         Part C focusses on the impact of those activities through a list of 3 questions;

·         Part D requests factual data on your library.


The overall aim of the survey is to collect data and evidence on:

·         Numbers of trained library visitors and numbers of non-formal & informal learning events;

·         Main target groups in non-formal and informal learning activities;

·         Scope of partnerships with third parties in training delivery;

·         Certification of non-formal learning outcomes;

·         Most successful non-formal learning events delivered by public libraries;

·         Impact of non-formal and informal learning activities on citizens and communities.


What can I do to help?

With your library performance statistics of 2015 to hand, please complete the survey.


I have difficulty understanding the English. What can I do?

The survey needs to be filled out in English. In case you find it difficult to understand the content of the survey, we recommend that you use an online translating tool to help you.

FYI, we are trying to obtain translations of the content of the survey into national languages as an aide, but we cannot guarantee that we will receive these in time. You can also contact your national association for support.


How long will it take to complete?

The survey should take you about 30-45 minutes to complete.

We know your time is limited and we greatly value your participation in our survey


Do I need to complete it in one sitting?

No, you don’t need to do it all at once. You can return to the survey later on the same day or even the next day, once you return to the same device.  During completing the survey you can also go back to previous pages and change answers if needed.


We thank you in advance for your participation in this survey!

EU Education and Training Strategy 2020

Weergaven: 240

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